In 2020, AntFarm accepted the challenge of working with community partners to establish a vision into the future to prevent the underage use of Alcohol and Marijuana.  The challenge was further challenged by Covid-19 and our community’s experience with the Wildfires!

Passportal was created as a tool to help young people develop a “passport of knowledge” which supports the choices, skills, and abilities to move from the place of peer pressure, addiction, and unhealthy choices to one of empowerment, health, and happiness.   We chose the name “Passportal” to represent active movement towards health.  We hope that young people in Estacada and Sandy have developed their Passportal.  As we complete our first phase of Alcohol and Marijuana underage prevention work, please join us for the following activities.

  1. If you are a business, consider placing a Safe Space Logo in your window to identify your business as “safe space” for youth.
  2. Estacada “Spring into Truth” event at the Estacada Library on July 20, 11 am – 5pm and July 21, 11am-5pm addressing prevention and substance use in Estacada, Oregon. This free workshop is being led by a young man who grew up in Estacada using alcohol and drugs.
  3. 13 Survey Questions about underage drinking and marijuana use.
  4. Completing the Crossword Challenge 
  5. Completing the True or False Challenge
  6. Completing the Discussion Challenge
  7. Selfie Scavenger Hunt

If you or someone you know needs support and help with alcohol or drug prevention, please call any of the AntFarm YouthHub offices for support or more information.  (503) 668-7962